Setting a carbon tax using Lagrange's duality
Ce projet a été attribué.
- Olivier Fercoq (IDS) ; Iyad Walwil (IDS)
- Emails:
- Bureaux: 5C48
Nombre d'étudiant par instance du projet:
- Minimum: 2
- Maximum: 4
Nombre d'instances du projet :
2Sigles des UE couvertes et/ou Mots-clés :
carbon tax, optimization, disciplined convex programming, micro-economics, utility functionImage

Description du projet :
The goal of this project is to study the problem of setting the level of a carbon tax. We consider a model where several economical agents want to minimize the price of the products they buy so that they reach a given satisfaction level and at the same time satisfy jointly a total carbon footprint constraint. We propose to solve this problem using Lagrange duality, where the Lagrange multiplier models the tax level. The goal is to show that by setting a carbon tax appropriately, the consumers can jointly satisfy the constraint while they continue to act selfishly in a day to day basis.
We shall use the optimization software CVXPY for this project that combines mathematics and modelization in micro-economics.
Objectifs du projet :
- Build a dataset of products (price and carbon footprint) and agents (utility function). The goal is that they consume too much when not constrained.
- Learn how to use CVXPY, recognise convex and concave functions
- Write a software that computes the dual function and maximizes it.
- Economical interpretation
- Design a Lagrange multiplier method in order to emulate the behaviour of a government
- Study an alternative model: maximize the utility under budget constraint instead of minimize cost under utility constraint
Références bibliographiques:
- Basics of Lagrange duality:
- Documentation of CVXPY:
- Cours de micro-économie: